Chris and I got to sit in the hospital for a couple of days this week. Bradley had some scary symptoms and was really sick so at 1 AM Thursday morning we were off to the Emergency Room. He is home now and recuperating. (BTW-We appreciate all the prayers, texts, visits and calls that we received. We love our church family and you displayed your love for us. Thx!!)
But after multiple tests and 36 hours of observation, there really are no definite reasons he experienced the pain and symptoms he did. The doctor's parting words were "we may never know what caused this but he looks to be getting over it".
As I reflect on those words, it is clear that God's design for our bodies is so amazing. Brad no doubt was sick and somewhere in his body was a severe infection. His white blood cell count on the first check was 23000. Normal, we were told, is between 700 and 1100. Recalling from my high school and college educational years (yes, back in the day...) the body uses white blood cells (wbc) to fight infection and produces them on a need basis. The body was treating itself.
One of Tom's points in his message this week is taking care of the body through rest and down time. The time Brad spent in a hospital bed allowed his body the healing time it needed to take care of itself. God's amazing design worked and it took about 36 hours or so of down time and rest to let it do what it does.
This week as we look at the physical side of the BLESSED LIFE, know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and if we take care of it and treat it as God desires of us, it will last us for as long as is needed... until He calls us home.
What do you need to pay attention to starting this week to care for your body? It's speaking to you. Are you listening?