We will do anything short of sin to reach people who don’t know Christ. To reach people no one is reaching, we’ll have to do things no one is doing.
The above statement is one of the values that we believe God has called us to live out at the Potter's House. You'll be hearing more on "The Code", a collection of 13 values honoring God's direction for TPH, in a series in late July entitled I Love My Church.
Today we witnessed how God is blessing our obedience as a church through that value. As of 9 AM Sunday morning, 15 people had registered to attend the Intro to Membership Class. So we prepared for 20. Well.....God did His thing and BAM! 36 showed up. Unbelievable. We have not had a membership class that large since we moved into our new building. (God also stretched the deli tray for 16-20 so that EVERYONE was fed! Remember the story of the loaves and fish...this time it was turkey and wheat bread.)
GREAT work PH! Keep living out the faith in community and inviting those that cross your path to experience a weekend service. Your staff is committed to staying the course of creative and innovative worship and God is growing His KIngdom through the efforts of all involved. The mission He has called us to is being fulfilled, one transformed life at a time!!
Have a Blessed week! And don't miss next week...BAPTISM Sunday!!! It's going to be AWESOME...the BEST Sunday yet!