Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Don't SETTLE for Good

I can’t stand to do something that’s just good enough. It torments me when I feel like I pass with a C+. I am constantly evaluating each area of ministry and looking for ways to do it better.

Some people don't like that part of me. Most of our society wants us to buy into the lie that good enough is...well...good enough. Do they really think that good honors God? I don't!

Reject mediocrity. Don’t hand in a rough draft. Mediocrity never inspired anyone. And I just can’t believe it brings honor to our great God. Finish any job you start with a spirit of excellence...and always look for ways to do it even better. I think that's what honors Him.

See you Sunday folks....it's going to be the BEST ONE YET!! Radical Generosity. Bring a friend and a spirit of excellence to worship.