Thursday, February 25, 2010


Good leadership is the key to any successful organization. The old saying that stuff (there's a more flowery word but I'll refrain) "runs down hill" applies in the area of leadership. Jim Collins, author of the book Good to Great, relates this to having the right person driving the bus. Other authors like Malcolm Gladwell and John Maxwell offer suggestions about how to become a great leader. And the reason their books are always on the best seller lists is that we ALL desire to be at least a good leader.

Today's families need great leaders. Leaders who understand God's organizational chart and then work at the part they play in it. This week we have the opportunity to look at the family and how God has called each of us to fit in it. God offers this mom and dad, "Impress them on your children" when it comes to priorities of right living. Lead your children into right living or to use a religious word, righteous living by teaching them to love the Lord with all their heart and soul and strength. Deuteronomy 6:5-6

It may be time for some parents to do a takeover and become the CEO of the family. Check out this weeks message and small group lesson and let's start living it....The Blessed Life!

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