Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Easter Sunday was a landmark day for Potter's House once again. Not only did God bless us with a record number of folks (563) at the Launching Pad (the name we have given our main campus) but we also had a record number of people (110) at the second annual Easter service on the beach at Captain Ron's Bar and Grill in Sunrise Beach.

God continues to lead us to things that no one else is doing and our prayer is that we are reaching people no one else is reaching with these efforts.
At the main campus, our adults saw a beautiful painting take life right before their eyes as the service progressed. This use of the arts touched hearts and drew people to a place and to an emotion that only visual art can. At Capt Ron's, the beach setting (God's creation) provides a backdrop that also evokes emotion and draws our attention to God's Grace as nothing else can. I am so thankful that our church understands and supports these kind of "out of the box" ministries for God to use in growing His kingdom.

Do you have any ideas or inspirations for other God venues or experiences? I'd love to hear them!! We are always looking for new ways to share the old stories of Jesus and His love!! Have a GREAT week as we continue to celebrate the empty tomb. He's Alive!!

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