Thursday, July 8, 2010


When the idea to close the main building and have everyone head out to Captain Ron's for church was first discussed, it seemed like a neat of those out of the box things that fit PH. As the date slowly approached, second thoughts crept in allowing fears and doubts to add an element of worry. A few offered warnings that it might not be a good idea. To top it off, Sunday morning's weather looked ominous at best.
As I drove north on 5 with my windshield wipers wisking away the "liquid sunshine", God and I had a talk. I told him that I couldn't believe He was doing this. After all our prep and prayer, it is raining and will probably keep many from coming out...and even let the nay sayers condemn the decision more vocally..." I tried to tell you"... The last thing I remember saying was "God, this is your day. I believe this was your idea to have this BIG event on the beach on the 4th of July. If you want it to rain, let it rain. If you want it to clear up, so be it. But I am going to head to the beach and worship YOU no matter what. And if there are only a hand-full of folks that show up, those are the ones you wanted this for."
Well, I am soooo glad that He is God and I'm not. His day was BETTER than any one of us could have scripted. The rain stopped, the light cloud cover kept it cool and unbelievably pleasant and hundreds showed up to celebrate our FREEDOM. The number of "new" faces nearly out numbered the familiar and God used the music, message and multitude to lead at least one young person to take Jesus into his heart and make Him Lord.
Thanks Potter's House for understanding that the church is not a building and for your willingness to take church to the beach. Did FREEDOM SPLASH 2010 spur any ideas for other venues or opportunities? Let's GROW some more.....

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