Founding and Senior Pastor- Tom Ford
FAITH Non-denominational
EXECUTIVE PASTOR’S QUOTE “We are faith filled, big thinking, bet the farm, risk takers and we will never insult God with small thinking and safe living,” Executive
Pastor Guy Lombardo.
VISION BA2C = Becoming an Acts 2 church. To help believers become fully devoted followers of Christ to the point their lives resemble Jesus.
About the church
Children and Adult worship 10 a.m. Sunday
Celebrate Recovery 5:15 p.m. Tuesday for help recovering from life’s harmful hurts, habits and hang ups.
COMMUNITY OUTREACHES The church is involved in the planning stages with the Child Advocacy Council, for a back to school effort for summer 2011. To provide back packs filled with school supplies and essentials to help children have a fresh start and be successful in school. The council hopes several other churches will partner with the project.
MISSIONS Samaritan’s Purse/Operation Christmas Child Christmas Boxes; According to Guy, for each box given, 10 people are affected by the gospel. Members have a goal of packing and collecting 500 shoe boxes, filled with small items for children, to be shipped overseas, which equals to 5,000 lives impacted. A prayer and packing party is scheduled 11:30 a.m. Sunday, November 7 after the morning service.
EVENTS The church is planning a special Christmas series Sunday, November 28 through Sunday, December 26. 2010 entitled He Came.
ADRESS 2073 South Business Route 5 Camdenton
INFO (573) 346-3951
Potter’s House uses multi-media to present the gospel
Potter’s House endeavors to communicate God’s unchanging truths in culturally compelling ways. “Some say we are contemporary, we do things differently than traditional churches,” said Executive Pastor Guy Lombardo. Guy believes that because the culture is ever changing, methodology should be ever changing. “The truth never changes, but the way we present it does,” said Guy. Such as giving away eight IPODS during a sermon series, dropping balloons from the ceiling, and riding a motorcycle into the building. A recent popular series of services was an ‘at the movies’ series using the movies Blind Side and Bucket List to pull out scriptural allegories in order to teach how to apply them in everyday life. For the series the Potter’s House changed their church into a movie theater complete with pop corn and soda dispensers. “It felt like you were actually in the lobby of a movie theater,” said Guy. “There are creative ways to make spiritual truths come alive in order to drive home a scriptural point through visual effects,” said Guy.
Time to ‘be’ the church, not ‘do’ church
“We want to teach believers to stop doing church, and start being the church,” said Guy. The Pastors encourage their people to go out and live their faith outside the walls of the church by reaching out to people in need. “We can do lot of meaningful things in the church like studying the word and worshipping with like believers, but unless we step outside the walls of the church, and apply these things we are just a social club. The bible says faith without works is dead,” said Guy.
The goal of helping people find their gift
According to Guy, there are five things God gives everyone; a spiritual gift, a heart or passion for something, natural abilities, or things they are naturally good at, a personality, and life experiences. “Our goal is to help people identify their giftings. Once we discover what it is that God has called us to do, we can then go ‘be’ the church,” said Guy.
Family is most important in teaching children
The Potter’s House believes that what happens at home is more important than what happens at church. “American culture started looking to the church to teach their children faith. God’s word mandates the spiritual head of the family should teach children faith. Families have been in crisis for 20 years because we have gotten away from this God given mandate. Our goal is to come along side the parent and partner with them. In one way they do this is regularly scheduled Sunday’s where the children and adults worship together. After a sermon, they move into age appropriate groups to discuss the lesson and bring it into real life perspective. “Hopefully families will take these discussions home with them and continue to communicate and teach faith,” said Guy.
Freedom Splash at Captain Ron’s
The Potter’s House holds “Church at the Beach” 10:30 a.m. Sundays, Easter through Labor Day, at Captain Ron’s in Sunrise Beach. The attendance has doubled since starting one year ago. They recently held “Freedom Splash 2010” on the 4th of July celebrating our freedom as a nation and freedom in Christ. It included a time where 13 people followed the Lord in baptism. One of those baptized said the church on the beach was the first church they ever attended and felt accepted.
Guy invites everyone to come and pay them a visit. The atmosphere is relaxed and the dress is casual. “We would love the chance to serve people. We are more concerned about meeting the life needs of people than in what they are wearing,” said Guy.
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