Saturday, November 20, 2010


Driving to a funeral I was officiating the other day, I drove past a gas station where an old friend was filling up. I still consider him a friend but he has chosen to sever ties due to his disagreeing with decisions leadership of TPH has made. As it happened, he noticed my car, we made eye contact, and I waved. He turned, without any response and proceeded to grab a sweatshirt out of his truck.
Now, I can understand people disagreeing. Everyone has opinions, thoughts and certainly being all in on that. (some of you are laughing at that understatement) What I can't understand is how "disagreeable" some folks can be and how they can be that way for a LONG time. There have been events in my life, disagreements with others, even harsh arguments that have strained and/or ended relationships. Several times things have caused me to "disassociate" with the other person. I understand all those feelings and actions.
God calls us to a higher commitment though when we become His disciple. My explanation to people in these type of situations is this: some day, if both sides have Jesus as Lord of their life, there will be a reunion. They are going to HAVE to get along in heaven. Father will see to that! Now if that is the case, then shouldn't we try to do the same with our relationships here on earth? Someone once said that our life here is practice for eternity. I like that!!
At the end of his teaching on the mount, Jesus said
"For if you forgive people their wrongdoing, your heavenly Father will forgive you as well. But if you don't forgive people, your Father will not forgive your wrongdoing." MATTHEW 6:14-15
Tough to hear....harder to live out...but no less our directive.
If you find yourself as I have, holding on to "stuff", make amends, forgive and move toward Jesus likeness......Let's Grow!!

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