Friday, September 9, 2011

Letting go to grow

We love to worship traditions, don't we? Think about it.....we refuse to end things in the church because one person may be helped by what we are doing. Or, we let a ministry hang in there because at least one person loves doing it.

What would happen if the Church started doing less corporately and encouraged people individually to do more outside the Church?

What would happen if churches focused on what God has called it to do biblically and empowered people to go do what God calls them to do?

What if we focused on what God is blessing around us and joined in?

The challenge is that people hear God telling them to do something and they assume right away their church should also embrace that vision. We need to get in the practice of encouraging people to obey God’s prompting in their lives and just go do it!! (BTW -Nike stole that saying from the bible...just say'n)

Is it entirely possible that the ministries and programs of the church are getting in the way of teaching people how to obey God’s prompting to “be the Church” in our communities and thus stifling the growth of the Kingdom?

Are you willing to let go of traditions to lead people to become more like Jesus and allow the church to more closely resemble the communities of the new testament?

Let's Grow.....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Joplin relief efforts

Please help get the word out. We are partnering with other churches, agencies and KCVO Spirit FM to collect supplies for the people in Joplin. The drop off will be at KCVO as they are planning to load up Wednesday evening and be on the road early Thursday morning.
Greatest needs: Bottled Water, ready to eat, non-perishable food items, toiletries, diapers, wipes, formula, extension cords, blankets and towels. Currently we are asking you to purchase and deliver your items directly to KCVO.

Pastor Tom has been in contact with the Baptist organization in Joplin and they have immediate need for cups, plates and paper towels in case lots. If you would like to contribute to this need by donation or purchase, drop contribution by the church office today or early tomorrow as he is planning to head west this week to bring what he can to them.

Finally, we are being told that at this time, volunteer labor is not being allowed in to the area. As the days and weeks unfold, we know that help will be needed and our plan is to provide volunteer work teams in the days ahead. As soon as a contact person for PH is established, we will get that information out. If you are available to organize the volunteer team effort, please give us a call at the church office -346-3951 x 11.

Thank you followers of Christ!!

“They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person's need was met.” Acts 2:45

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Palm Sunday Thoughts

What an experience on Palm Sunday!! AWESOME!! God opened up the heavens and poured out His Glory for all to see. 12 Baptisms, a moving final message in our series WHY AM I HERE? on "GO"ing, followed by an evening of fun, fellowship, food and fund raising that blew the top off of the Launching Pad. Over $7000 was raised to fund the Mexico mission trip and providing seed money for future ones. The monies collected surpassed the God-sized goal that was set. Once again He showed up and "SUPER-SIZED" our Him be all GLORY!!

As you know, we are in the middle of Holy Week. I encourage you to read or re-read the passion event in one of the gospels and meditate on the events leading up to the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. This morning, my reading time was in Matthew 26 where Jesus was in Gethsemane "overwhelmed with sorrow" and praying. It becomes all too easy to imagine Jesus as a demigod, striding heroically through the world without a care, when in fact, He felt emotions, toils and burdens just like we do. Please take some time this week to ponder the suffering He did for you. It will make Resurrection morning all the sweeter!

Finally, I want to encourage you to "GO" this week by inviting someone to one of the Easter services we will be hosting. Plant a seed in the life of a person you know needs a fresh touch from God. Easter is a GREAT time to plant that seed. All the metaphors of spring life, a change in season, fresh growth, etc. It's not a coincidence!!!! is God's Plan. So be bold this week....stepping out of your comfort zone and sharing your story and an invitation to join you in celebrating the Resurrection.

We will be hosting two locations this week. 10 AM at the Main campus of the Potter's House and 10:30 AM at Captain Ron's in Sunrise Beach. We'll see you there!! Don't miss this week, Guy. As good as last week was, this one is looking like it is going to be the BEST ONE YET!! Let's Grow....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sheep or Goats??

Two weeks ago, I shared in my message the Greek word " mathetes " which translates into follower, learner, disciple and the fact that God calls us to be followers of Jesus and His live like He lived, loved like He loved, do what He did.
Read Matthew 25:31-46

We entirely miss the point if we read this story as a list of 'rules to be obeyed'. To be sure, these are conditions that demand attention. But Jesus isn't telling us to keep this list and carefully mark them off as we do them. He instead desires "His" disciples to do these things 'naturally' — as though it were a kind of 'second nature' — without stopping to think about them or consider the cost. (Kind of sounds like an Acts 2 community, doesn't it?)

This lifestyle shift demands effort, particularly getting started. Though people of many traditions and beliefs are kind to outcasts, visit prisoners, feed the hungry, and many other kind acts, it is noticeable, especially in our increasingly "what about me" society, that those who sign up for these activities on a regular basis, and who do these and similar things automatically even when 'off duty', are people who day by day read their bibles, say their prayers and week by week serve and worship the God we know in Jesus.

That was how the Good News spread so fast in Biblical times. The called out "sheep" were people the community saw behaving differently. The world back then was full of people who didn't help, didn't feed the hungry, and didn't care for the weak and vulnerable. The "little Christs", as they were called, were modelling a new and loving way. It was, and remains, a compelling's Jesus Way! Sheep or goats? Choose and start today....let's grow!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


A Lenten thought from Matthew 18:15-35
Upon first reading, we can glance over the significance of Jesus' answer to Peter. The conversation has been around how to handle a brother (or sister) who sins against us. The disciples were more than likely feeling the heat and taking some arrows. Someone had to ask the next question. I probably would have asked before Peter had a chance if I had been there. "Ok, Jesus, so when do we get to go off on this sucker and let him/her have it? Or when do I get to walk away from this person so others will see my hurt? I'm liking this binding on earth talk and I know some folks I want to bind...."

"Not seven times, but seventy-seven times."

WHAT? You mean, I never get to get even? But that means he'll never be brought to justice for how he hurt me. She'll never have to repent and say "sorry" for the things she said and did.

Jesus' answer is not how we feel like responding most of the time. Forgiving over and over and over? But His response came out of His nature and out of His purpose for coming to earth, not a human reaction. And He further explains in the parable that followed, in which God is the master and we sometimes can be that servant. We truly want (and need) forgiveness and gladly accept it but can be so unwilling to give it in our day to day lives.
This virtue was even in the prayer He taught his disciples in Matthew 6. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." It wasn't to be an was to be a way of the transformed life.

Today, I am reminded again that my life needs to model my Saviors and not the world. What does Jesus' reply to Peter say to you? May we apply what we hear Him say to us today and let's grow!