Saturday, March 19, 2011


A Lenten thought from Matthew 18:15-35
Upon first reading, we can glance over the significance of Jesus' answer to Peter. The conversation has been around how to handle a brother (or sister) who sins against us. The disciples were more than likely feeling the heat and taking some arrows. Someone had to ask the next question. I probably would have asked before Peter had a chance if I had been there. "Ok, Jesus, so when do we get to go off on this sucker and let him/her have it? Or when do I get to walk away from this person so others will see my hurt? I'm liking this binding on earth talk and I know some folks I want to bind...."

"Not seven times, but seventy-seven times."

WHAT? You mean, I never get to get even? But that means he'll never be brought to justice for how he hurt me. She'll never have to repent and say "sorry" for the things she said and did.

Jesus' answer is not how we feel like responding most of the time. Forgiving over and over and over? But His response came out of His nature and out of His purpose for coming to earth, not a human reaction. And He further explains in the parable that followed, in which God is the master and we sometimes can be that servant. We truly want (and need) forgiveness and gladly accept it but can be so unwilling to give it in our day to day lives.
This virtue was even in the prayer He taught his disciples in Matthew 6. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." It wasn't to be an was to be a way of the transformed life.

Today, I am reminded again that my life needs to model my Saviors and not the world. What does Jesus' reply to Peter say to you? May we apply what we hear Him say to us today and let's grow!

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