Read Matthew 25:31-46
We entirely miss the point if we read this story as a list of 'rules to be obeyed'. To be sure, these are conditions that demand attention. But Jesus isn't telling us to keep this list and carefully mark them off as we do them. He instead desires "His" disciples to do these things 'naturally' — as though it were a kind of 'second nature' — without stopping to think about them or consider the cost. (Kind of sounds like an Acts 2 community, doesn't it?)
This lifestyle shift demands effort, particularly getting started. Though people of many traditions and beliefs are kind to outcasts, visit prisoners, feed the hungry, and many other kind acts, it is noticeable, especially in our increasingly "what about me" society, that those who sign up for these activities on a regular basis, and who do these and similar things automatically even when 'off duty', are people who day by day read their bibles, say their prayers and week by week serve and worship the God we know in Jesus.
That was how the Good News spread so fast in Biblical times. The called out "sheep" were people the community saw behaving differently. The world back then was full of people who didn't help, didn't feed the hungry, and didn't care for the weak and vulnerable. The "little Christs", as they were called, were modelling a new and loving way. It was, and remains, a compelling's Jesus Way! Sheep or goats? Choose and start today....let's grow!!
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